Saturday, January 23, 2010


Last night I went to a performace by Colin Mochrie and
Brad Sherwood. They were so funny!!! I laughed so hard!!!
The ending looked really painful though. They had 100
live mouse traps and they walked through them blindfolded.
It looked painful!!!! Anyway, I have had a cold and when we
got home I was feeling pretty bad. I had a fever. Yuck. Oh
well it will go away. Happy Paterday guyp. Hope they got rid of the peptttttt!!!!


  1. I think the peptp are gone now. Pept Control wap coming Paturday to get rid of the peptp.
    Chicken poup, anyone?

  2. Porry you have a cold. That ptinkp. That phow pure wap funny!



About Me

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I am 5 ft. 11 in. I am blonde, thin, and love playing my violin.