Sunday, January 17, 2010


I cannot wait until summer. You know swimming, no school,
Disneyland,{I wish we were going again this year. I am so jeleous
of my cousins!!} and my personal favorite...............CAMPING!!
I really cannot wait and I really want to go to Moab again but
I don't think it's going to happen. Girl's camp is June 1st-4th
this year. here are some other things I love doing in summer:
running around bare footed, eating outside, jumping on the trampoline,
outside activities with my family, and eating my mom's fruit slush.
I mean we could always eat it now but the fruit's not as fresh and
it just doesn't have the summer taste to it.
Just to give you an idea of how excited I am, I was taking
chocolate turtle cookies to my neighbor with Allie. I was
wearing my mom's Hawaii shoes. I am so tired of wearing
shoes all the time, so I took them off and ran to my neighbors
house without any shoes, stood on their porch....without shoes,
and ran home.....without shoes. There are some sharp rocks out there
and those frozen berries that come off of the poo trees that hurt your
feet too. {Poo trees are the trees that are all over my neighborhood.
In the spring they smell like poo. Just so you know.} Anyway
it snowed last night so I am sad but oh well!!! Have a fun holiday!!


  1. I'm anxiously waiting for summer too!!! Summer, summer, summer!!!!

  2. I've been working on our 2009 Family Movie and the last 2 days have been the summertime and cousins playing in your backyard....and our trip to Disneyland! Was a great time and can't wait for summer again!

  3. I'm ready for summer too. This January has been way to blah.



About Me

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I am 5 ft. 11 in. I am blonde, thin, and love playing my violin.